by Michelle Holland | Sep 27, 2018 | Blogs
Share with your networks One of my favourite quotes about culture comes from an aurthor called Michael Henderson. Henderson is an anthropologist who works within corporate US. The quote is – “people ask me why culture is the new thing in business. I tell them...
by Michelle Holland | Nov 5, 2016 | Our Blog
Share with your networks Work hard, play harder is generally my motto. But last week was quite a different experience. With minimal access to internet and nothing to do other than chill out on the deck of a cruise ship, I reluctantly learnt how to relax. I reluctantly...
by Michelle Holland | Oct 14, 2016 | Our Blog
Share with your networks The recent storms and floods in Adelaide dramatically changed the environment near my home. The river has widened, the man made bridges have been destroyed and the trees blown over. On my walk this morning looking at the mess I was reminded of...
by Michelle Holland | Sep 25, 2016 | Our Blog
Share with your networks Are you wasting time and money on culture and leadership programs? According to a 2013 culture and change management survey by Booz & co, 96% of businesses believe that culture change is needed. According to McKinsey and co, 70% of...
by Michelle Holland | Sep 21, 2016 | Our Blog
Share with your networksThere are many great ideas, there are many great thought leaders, and there are many many many great blogs you can read on the future of business, life, education, leadership and work. So what can I add that hasn’t already been said?...
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